Saturday, February 9, 2013

Life is not the same always !!!!!

As a child I always used to feel, why the big ones like their childhood so much so that they keep talking about it with their kids. Was it really so amazing than the present life they have been living.. Is it so hard to be an adult ???

And then I started growing up, wondering, why the hell do the adults think they have so many problems, when we have a greater portion of it in life... handling the school life, the homework, that needs to be done no matter what, cos my teacher on the other side is ever ready to give a knock if not done.. the exams and our parents expectations to excel in the exams... Hufff !!!!! and these adults think that the childhood life was good with so many problems..

As the days went by, I realized there is more to the problems or should I put it this way, the earlier problems, which was a problem then, is not a problem anymore... funny as it sounds, but ya these new problems now got a new name of its own 'Complications of life'...

It was when I broke my cocoon shell, I started understanding what actually the complications in life are... cos till then I had a really cool life with my family and friends around, whom I knew very well.. 

Complications, well my way of describing this word is : when things doesn't turn out the way you plan and then nothing seems to be working out at that moment, things don't seem logical, your mind doesn't have answers for the infinite questions you may be facing at that point of time and then no matter what you try and out to do it gets worse, that is when I say things are complicated to explain..

Its when you stick to the old times and you find people have moved on with time, such situations occur..
For a moment, the things are all wrong, but give it some time and then you realize it wasn't wrong at all...
Its the mind which is not ready to accept change in your life that is when the complications start....

For me, moving from a well known place "my home" to a completely new place was really complicated.. Things dint work out for me initially... I was always quite in the new group, I had found cos I wanted the old things back, complaining on everything, comparing things with the ones in past.. though I had found really good friends here, I still wanted to be back to my home cos I thought that was were I belonged.
I refused to change with time which was why things were against me.

As people say time waits for none, change is the only thing that is permanent, I realized the meaning it was trying to convey. Trying to accept things, I started mingling in the new groups, finding ways to be happy, as I wanted to come out from the gloomy phase. It worked out well, but still I was holding on the few old friends tightly cos I dint wanted them to go away..

Trying to get things back to place, I complicated them again!!! It was so stupid of me expecting people to be the way they are, when I was changing myself.. A new friend of mine who really became a close one, one day just said to me to let go of the old friends cos if they are your true ones they will come back when you need them by your side.. This very small statement that he made was really effective... 

I followed what my friend had said.. It helped me a lot to be normal and happy myself..

Surprisingly I noticed I had made many new friends by letting go the old ones.. Very caring and Very supportive and really good ones at heart..

Cheers guys !!!! I love you all.. :)

Lastly, I would say life is a river, you cant take all the water along with you.. try taking a bucket full, it will keep you satisfied and happy...

P.S to my old friends :
Guys you are really close to me.. Its because of you, I am actually finding my life simple to move on.. :D



  1. " I would say life is a river, you cant take all the water along with you.. try taking a bucket full, it will keep you satisfied and happy..." I liked this quote and if its yours then it conveys it all thats written in the blog .... its a good way to narrate things taking it from a point of time ... and moving to the subject ... write more and improve more .... learning is all that we like hope u get tanks full of them every time ;)
